Off to DreamWorld tomorrow!

It's been a very very long week.
  • I've had the strangest dreams on Sunday.
  • I've had my first volunteer experience at the school on Tuesday.
  • I've heard the strangest things on Wednesday.
  • I've felt the strangest emotions on Friday.
Anyway, I just handed in my assignment....Nevermind that for a moment I had thought it was deleted. I am still not sure what happened, so don't ask. >_<

But I'm feeling pretty much high, on top of the world as I'm off to DreamWorld tomorrow morning!! So Yeah!!!

I've also updated my Music PlayList, so check it out. ^_^

Jason & Leon, I want to meet up with you sometime when I do head down to Brisbane. I am not sure when, but I hope it is soon when I have managed to put my assignments aside. ^_^


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