My new love, a Canon Powershot A590IS .

So yes, God is great. Yesterday, I finally decided on a new camera. It is somewhat like an upgraded version of my previous camera, a Canon Powershot A520. A 2008 release model, it has Image Stabilization, and Face Smile (whatever that is), and other useless cool features. (I survived without them all the time, so they are pretty much useless, in my opinion).
So yesterday, I spent:
Canon Powershot A590 IS= AUD 179.00.
New rechargeable batteries = AUD 35.00.
In total, it was AUD214.00
Spent another AUD25.00 on a Berlitz Japanese Audio CD. Not sure how much of it I can actually remember, since I already have quite a lot of trouble with trying to read up on Korean anyways. However, from my perspective, Korean language is much harder anyhow. The alphabet is easy to read, but the pronunciation for the initial learner is quite hard.
Of course, after doing two months on my own, I don't feel like I am progressing much. Perhaps when I head to Korea, my creative juices may kick in. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention! So, I might make up my own language. Ka ka ka ka.... Ok, I just have to remind myself that I am learning a new language... it takes time! Patience, patience.....
I definitely have a better idea when it comes to learning irregular verbs, and how one verb can be used in so many different ways. Just trying to understand how one word like "mul" (which means "what") can be used to asked different questions across different contexts. Of course, it has different word pairings, that could bring about a different meaning when used to asked questions. In all, I could say that I will survive better in Korea than in Japan if for one to traverse across the two countries by one self.
Anyways, it's another week for me in Sydney till I leave. My cousin and her family are arriving on Tuesday evening, and going for my church Christmas Party on Thursday. Finally leaving for airport on Sunday morning, 5ish am. So... there, goodbye to you, my trusted friends....