The land that you set your feet upon.
After being away from church for the last two weeks, today I had the most amazing yet surreal day.
It's like I got my groove back.

It's like I got my groove back.
Well, actually, it was more like, my friend told me to get out of the house and stop over dwelling on things. Staying in the house was not doing much for my mental health.
So I did.
I don't know what it was, but during the church service, this scripture verse just came to me.
For me, it's like God is telling me that I am going to crush it in network marketing, particularly in ACN.
When church service ended, I had the most amazing conversations with some people I did not think I would speak to. It's like all the negativity just lifted from me at that moment in time.
Ok, to be realistic, I’ve been consistently posting on my social media. And also been missing as well. So it was a mixture of both consistency and timed absence that created curiosity in people, I’d say?
Gabriel was inquiring about the work I was doing, and asking me about network marketing. That was the most surreal conversation ever.
Also, I had this strange impression that apart from the initial reason that I joined ACN for, there is an even far bigger reason why I am where I am now with the people I have met so far in MUG.
Every thing is just coming in slowly and finding its place.