repercussions of AW.
Play is in a context as a vehicle to practice informally what you have learnt formally.
It is being able to put into practise what I have learnt into good use.
My blog site is my play vehicle.
Thank you very much.
Anyway, having a blog is like a personal soliloquy.
Except that it is expressed out in written form for the public domain that chooses to read so.
I am able to evaluate and reflect on my thoughts on my daily situations without referring to others in solitude, yet so connected to many others out there, who are quietly and invisibly reading my blog, but not saying a word till they actually meet up with me...
Of course, I have had friends, and myself being lambasted for expressing my thoughts on what I think I didn't like.
Some take it very rather personally. Some over-react to it. Some think it's humourous.
Some find it's a way of getting to know my inner thoughts without prodding too much that I will puke.
Hmmm..well. that is what I choose to do. Well, I will have to take responsibility for my own actions.
Not to mention, being hunted down by the FBI and ISA for doing so. well, the FBI and ISA are a stupid group of people who take pride in hunting down people for their own ego.
This is my perspective. If they cant take it, they can go eat shit for all I care.
So shoot me for all I care. I am ready for you. If they want to practice their Patriot Act, they can be patriotic for all I care.They can violate their own Freedom of Speech act, and be sued on that contradiction basis.
as in the case of Annie (the writer) whose house was ransacked because they thought she was planning atrocious act of un-patriotism towards the country.
*rolls eyes*
I know that the most effective form of COMMUNICATION is the Transactive Model of Communication.
I will use the feedback I receive and context to plan my next course of action.
Communication is a two way process. I do not appreciate half-vague answers.
What kind of relationships do I want/ to have/ to create?
I know what it is that I want. I'm just not going to tell in public domain. ;-)
What am I willing to be to do/create it?
I am willing to put 100 % into it.
I am going to STOP analysing so much and just DO it.
I shall take responsibility for creating my goals.
I am going to create opportunities for myself, by creating a network of people who would be willing to help me plan my next course of action.
What are the risks that I am willing to take to create it?
I shall firstly pray for direction. Prayer is something that adds to all on top of what I plan to do, and or embark on any direction.
I AM going to come out of my Comfort Zone.
I shall risk emotional pain. This is inevitable.
I shall cry when I need to.
I shall FEEL the pain.
I shall NOT be impatient.
I shall harden myself and tell myself that I will not sit here and wait and do nothing. Results are WHAT i WANT.
I am going to surprise myself by my results that I have created. To have what I have achieved will be my sweet reward.
I am going to risk gender stereotype. I shall not follow what the mainstream culture feels or thinks. Leaders and pioneers never stop to think that they couldn't do it just because others are not doing it.
I shall have NO expectations. I shall go in with a clear mind and do as i should and have to without expecting anything in return. At the end of the day, at least I can say to myself, I have given in my best shot. I won't regret putting in that 100 percent of work to get it done.
I shall be persistent. By focusing my eye on the goal, I shall motivate myself to the final goal.
I shall be focused. Same as above.
I shall push myself. Same as above.
I shall tell myself NOTHING is impossible. It is whether do I actually want it to work or not?
I shall be emotionally ready when the answer comes in. If I get a no, I will fall. But I will pick myself up again. The most important thing is not that I fall, but I am able to motivate myself to pick myself up to continue going.
At the end of the day, it is what you have put in that will create the results that you want.