The Purpose Driven Life

FGA will be going on a 40 Days of Purpose campaign from 16 June onwards. Indeed, they will be using Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life book as the textbook to refer to in this space of time.

I have surfed the Net and there has been many sites that has critiqued his book. Indeed, Rick Warren is only human, but he is just using whatever he is given to send a message across.

The book is divided into 40 chapters, with one chapter being read each day, to reflect and think about the questions that is posed each day. The entire church will be involved , from the Children's church to the Golden Years fellowship. The church members will be coming together each week to discuss and share what they have experienced or learnt.

I really cannot comment since I haven't read the book myself either, but I'd say read the book with discernment, but with an open heart, and test everything that you read, to see if it stands true to its grain and salt. Whoever is interested can go and get the book and tell me what you think of it.

FGA is retailing the Purpose Driven Life book for about RM15. MPH is retailing the book for about RM24. (about RM10 more!)


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