The Weather Man.

The weather in Australia can be pretty finicky. It was really blustery and windy today!
I was practically freezing when I was out with the children ..Brrr!!!

Yesterday, was my first day of pract.It went marvellously well. The weather, though, decided to try playing havoc with the rest of us...

In the morning, it was a nice warm spring day. However, by the time noon was admist, the skies took a turn for the gray.

The acting director, Annie, said that in all her 2 years working there, the cats and dogs raining never fought this hard!

Alas, who'd know that my first experience of the hail storm was only to be found digitally!
So, on his first job as the Weather Man yesterday...and here to present his first discovery of the hails of Toowoomba...I *present*

*drum roll*...dang dang dang...

YK and his hail.
The weather man, YK, hailing ice down.


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