Planning in progress...
Just came back from a day trip to Brisbane. It was really great to spend time with my Hongkie mates, and Michael, an Aussie dude..(well, not really a dude actually). In the morning, there was this jamuan harijadi tergempar that I attended. Not really tergempar, because apparently it was already planned a while back...
Surprise, surprise, when I saw Nadia also at the party as well. It was Jemima's 7th birthday. Anyways, the party was great, and I got to bond with Lisa a bit more. It's rare I get to meet an authentic Jewish lady these days.
Anyway, Michael decided (at the last minute) to join us for our Sunnybank-Darra grocery outing. It was great to bond with all of them and to hear his pearls of wisdom thrown to us. After that, we headed over to Darra for asian Vietnamese seafood...*yummy* but expensive (international student mah...of course expensive!)
I wrote to my niece, Kim in NZ, and to my contacts in Sydney as well. I do pray for a good outcome... ^_^
Does anyone have any good ideas what are good places to visit in both Sydney and New Zealand? If you want to join me, (haha) perhaps some modification to the plans could be made. (lol).
Anyways, do share your ideas ... would really appreciate it. ^_^
Surprise, surprise, when I saw Nadia also at the party as well. It was Jemima's 7th birthday. Anyways, the party was great, and I got to bond with Lisa a bit more. It's rare I get to meet an authentic Jewish lady these days.
Anyway, Michael decided (at the last minute) to join us for our Sunnybank-Darra grocery outing. It was great to bond with all of them and to hear his pearls of wisdom thrown to us. After that, we headed over to Darra for asian Vietnamese seafood...*yummy* but expensive (international student mah...of course expensive!)
I wrote to my niece, Kim in NZ, and to my contacts in Sydney as well. I do pray for a good outcome... ^_^
Does anyone have any good ideas what are good places to visit in both Sydney and New Zealand? If you want to join me, (haha) perhaps some modification to the plans could be made. (lol).
Anyways, do share your ideas ... would really appreciate it. ^_^