Barista in the making...

Well not exactly.

For the past two days, I have been slaving away at this cafe near Pyrmont. It's a family-type-own-small business. Not exactly something to shout about though.

However it is but hands-on training in a cafe learning how to service the espresso machine, the commercial dishwasher, cleaning & mopping the place. I'll be there for a couple more days (training) learning the ropes of the business.

Even if I don't get the job, but hey, I still learn something, right? (At least that's what my mother says anyways).

So far I've learnt to differentiate between the different coffees of cappuccinos, flat white, cafe latte, long black, moccha. I've more or less learnt how to grind the coffee beans and powder, boil the milk to about 60 degrees celcius, mix in the serves of sugar and pour the milk. However, making a MEAN cup of the different varieties of coffee is another thing though. LOL.

Just FYI, in Australia, if you pay for your meal, the restaurant is obligated to have their dishes washed in water about 120 degrees celcius, and they are not allowed to sell yesterday's leftover dishes. If they are caught....well, it's just a huge swanky hole of a fine in their pocket.


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