A successful skill assessment outcome.

Great news for my readers ....

When I first applied for my skill assessment a couple of weeks ago, I was not sure if it would be positive. My good news for all... is that God is fantastic. He has finally answered my prayer for a successful skill assessment.

Thank you to all my friends for your months of prayer.

When I first came to Australia, I decided to change program halfway after the first year. As most of my friends will know, I eventually graduated in the initial study program I applied into, as well as meeting the two-year requirement. You might have thought it was risky on my part to leave without making a decision on which study program I was going to graduate from, but even during that time, it was quite difficult on my part to find the words to explain to my lecturers that I already had the faith & KNEW that I was going to graduate from the program.

When I decided to leave Toowoomba, it was also with the faith that I knew that everything will go through, and I would graduate with all my qualifications. It seems strange that my incomplete practicum was also part to play in that factor, LOL! What was bad, seems good in the long-run, and God knew I wasn't ready to do my pract then.

With a successful skill assessment outcome, this just means that all the documents required for applying for migration in australia is met! God has helped me to collate & collect all my documents one-by-one. It's like all the doors were just opened by one as I opened it. HE is indeed great! He has provided me with wisdom when I asked for it, & indeed I know that God had his reasons to let me come to Australia when I first asked in 2005 whether it would be the right decision to do so.

So yes, even those early years of my studying which I thought fruitless. God was already preparing me, just like how He was preparing Joseph in those early years when he was sold to the traders and finally became the Prime Minister of Egypt. Not only did God know what He was doing, but by that, preserved what was to be Israel & bringing salvation to the people of Egypt.


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