Mike Guglielmucci's Fake Cancer story.

It is a real shocker. The christians who listen to Hillsong's music, and those who attend PlanetShakers (from Melbourne), you guys would have heard stories of Mike Guglielmucci's that his cancer was not real ...
It must be devastating to those in the Christian communities to hear of his misdeameanor.

During the Hillsong Conference this year, I was among one of those who was praying in the Arena stadium, and challenging God to heal this man... (and maybe mine was one of those prayers answered). Ironically, it was not a physical healing, but rather a healing of the mind that should take place. I believe that God has finally convicted Michael Guglielmucci to do what he should have done in the first place. I am pretty sure that God was fed up with this man's behaviour for lying and faking his story for so long.

Many times I have prayed to God in the midst of sicknesses, (especially in the winter with a flu, cough, and food poisoning). Somehow rather, my healing would take place. Although it didn't happen immediately, but from what I know, my recovery from food poisoning would have taken far longer time than only 3 days to get over with.

As someone commented in a blog elsewhere, why didn't God show discernment in anyone, or even within his own family? We will never know why God allowed this to happen for so long... perhaps this will be a time of testing, healing & prayer for the Christian community to show forgiveness and for the Australian community to not harden their hearts towards the gospel, and for Guglielmucci to contend with the people whom he has hurt with in the ministry.

It has to start somewhere anyways.


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