Last day plan on Friday.

Anyways, today I will work out how much space I have left in my luggage bag. I am not going to church on Sunday as I will be tired out from the 8 hours flight from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur.

My plan for Friday.
11am- see my Chiro.

After 11- was supposed to see the Course Coordinator. So, I might only just ring him up and talk to him. (I don't really want to go and see him for any reason at all). This just means that I have to work out my strategy on what to say to him.

- Ring up some mates to have a chat. 
- Have to go to bank and do some transactions.
- Buy some stuff from Woolies.
- Work out some financial stuff with some mates.

6pm- Mia Chan & mates for farewell dinner.
After dinner, Jo & Ricky are heading to my place to collect some stuff.


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