Adelaide: The journey to Kangaroo Island

So early on a Saturday morning (21/9) we made a trip up to Kangaroo Island. Our pickup with Groovy Grape from Backpacker OZ was at 6.30am. 

Breakfast from a cafe near the harbour.

Does it look yummy? Meat pies.....*yum*

The dock we boarded at to get to the ferry..

The journey took about 45 mins via ferry. And we arrived at Penneshaw safely.(as you can imagine...)

Not sure what we were supposed to look at? The Greens I guess?

Bales Beach- a nice quiet beach with cuttlefish lying strewn on the sands. Not good for swimming though.

The day got warmer as the sun came up, so the crew went sand boarding at Little Sahara. Its basically getting yourself on a board and sliding down a sand dune. Sorry cant put that fat blob picture of me sandboarding ...Eek!  =.=

Dinner was more BBQ. I had a hand in flipping the chicken! Haven't cooked in a while... So my skills are rusty. >.<


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