Carmen's Birthday @ Encasa - April 2015

Last Saturday was Carmen's birthday..... someone suggested Encasa, so we decided to head off and try this place in the city. It's located along Pitt St, near World Square. 

To keep ourselves amused, we decided to take selfies and pictures of the food like every other typical Asian of this generation. #trending :-)

Jingren, William, CY and Carmen


                                                            Jess and Carmen

Grilled Squid with lemon on side

Pollo Chicken Pizza 


Fried Potatoes drizzled with mayo 

Sizzling prawns in fried garlic oil


spaghetti with white sauce and Spanish Ham 

Deep fried potatoes with sautéed beef

Crusted bread with pepperoni 

Spanish paella

Thank you all for coming! 


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