Going home to KL: the day of reckoning
So here I am writing this post over how many miles above sea level in the comfort of my Air Asia premium seat. I was thinking I would miss the train this morning, but thank God I didn't. It's my first time in a premium seating so it's a good experience. I bought this ticket in February, and a premium ticket would ensure I could change the dates to a more suitable one should the need arises.
Having an Express Pass to use at the Sydney International Airport is worth its value in time by not spending much time queueing up with others to go through for customs especially on a busy Sunday morning. However there is an inspector who collects it as it's only valid for a one time use, so you cannot cheat!
As for being in the premium seating area, it seems that the customers all seem to be sleeping for the length of the entire journey. I slept for four hours straight before I could not sleep any more. Some sleeping for seven hours straight. Heh.
The last few days have been a little hard on me as there are lots that I needed to do before I head back to KL. I needed to work out the house inspections and visit as many places as I could, check out the car models and pricing, visit banks, tie some loose ends, work out what I needed to get in KL, all which were keeping me pretty busy.
House inspections has been quite intimidating and yet eye opening. To have to take public transport is a different experience from when one is having their own transport. You become more aware of your surroundings, and needs of your would be clients, and try to work out if clients will walk the distance to your business.
I've worked out which were the most popular areas, and it also matters which real estate agent you look through. LJ Hooker seems to be immensely popular choice of a real estate agent as the house I looked at in Five Docks had over ten different parties coming in to see.
The one house I looked through a less popular real estate agent in Ashfield is still up on the website as I speak. The price was going for $640.
Homebush/Flemington seemed like a really sweet place. there was this house I saw with a double parking bay, a huge backyard, a big kitchen, three huge rooms, and a huge front yard. All for $750. Better deal than the one in Ashfield I saw. however it would be more easily accessible through a car though.
That's also the reason why I would need a car... But finding one that fits me, both on an emotional and comfort level, and price level will also need some time to work out. Honda has a pretty good history, but I'm open to looking at other car brands.
It's mostly the guy friends I speak to that seem able to provide me lots of info on finding one that fits my personality and needs. Thanks to David, and my high school mate, Orion, who has provided lots of ideas and pointers at what to look at when looking to buy a car.
Its been pretty intimidating and challenging in the last two weeks as I've to do everything on my own without any assistance from others. It would be easier to go out and work for someone, but this is the path I've chosen.
To add to this pile, I've to work through my emotions and feelings, and trying not to keep them all bottled up. Going home to KL for three weeks in the midst of this busyness has not been helping me much emotionally at all.
I know I will miss Lentils, especially being a wannabe barista. And I miss Dai too. He will survive the next three weeks without being able to make me jumpy and ROTFL when we have our blonde moments on FB :-)