My Asus laptop was stolen

Someone has swiped my Asus K401LB laptop from under my nose, when I was at home last night. There were no signs of forced entry, and all my housemates denied seeing or taking it. 

It went missing when I was still home, from under my own nose, in a span of ten minutes, after taking a shower, and going into the kitchen about 2150hours. 

By the time I returned, around 2200 hours, it had disappeared. The couple were in their rooms, so I asked if they had seen it, but they denied any knowledge. 

The other two, one of which who drives his own car had just left home, so I called them each individually on the phone to ask if they had taken or seen my laptop. But they both denied any knowledge.

As all the housemates had denied taking it, there were grounds to make a police report that there was a break in, enter and theft that occurred, for the safety of all occupants concerned. 

I made the report this morning, and the police just left after taking notes and testimony of all of us five occupants, along with our ID details. 

My Asus K401LB is 14 inch, of a dark blue metallic colour. It was bought in Malaysia, so this particular model, of the K series, is not available in Australia. I also gave the serial number, and showed the receipt of the purchase to the police. 

My other housemate, Nauman, also put in the report that his external HDD had gone missing a few days back. He only realised his was missing after I reported my laptop had gone missing. 

The police report was necessary to get the ball rolling, and for them to pursue the case, and let the perpetrators be aware that any future theft would involve police officers coming through again.


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