Continue standing in the gap, my daughter.

This evening, I attended my usual ladies fellowship bible study.

I had shared with the group that it was my 40th day interceding for the salvation of my friend, HT.
They responded that I should continue interceding. 

I did not reply, as I wanted a confirmation that this word was truly from the Lord.. 

A fellow member then felt the Holy Spirit speaking to her during the time of praise and worship. She then proceeded to share with the group. 

She shared that I should not take the arbitrary number of days in the Bible literally. Rather, I was to continue interceding for my friend, HT until I can I feel that the Holy Spirit is nudging me to stop. 

This lady continued to share that I was acting as the "person in the gap", or "the intercessor", so to speak. Without my prayers, it would make it more challenging for the Lord to mobilise labourers to work in HT's life....


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