After 24 years, I attend a CSS Webinar on Zoom.

 In 1998, out of curiosity, I built my first website on Geocities Yahoo (in the Hollywood neighbourhood). I copied and pasted html coding, and javascript from other people's websites.

In those days, you did everything from scratch.

You'd have to go browsing other people's websites to see which one you like, then copied the specific html coding and with trial and error, would be able to replicate the same effect on the page as you wanted to.

In it, I made and uploaded links to my fav midi files, reviewed my favourite A Level literature books and movies, and whole lot of fun stuff.

However, in 2007, about 9 years after building the site, I decided to forever close the website when I was studying in Toowoomba. (long story there, but nevermind...)

By 2004, I had moved on to Xanga and Blogger to learn about blogging. It was a lot easier with a WYSIWYG system (What You See Is What You Get), without needing to know as much abt HTML (but having a background knowledge helped a lot!)

With Xanga (you couldn't change templates), and Blogger (more user friendly), it was a little harder to change the html coding as they came with their own templates, and I could never really work out how to change the templates unless I uploaded a completely new template which I had bought elsewhere.

Recently, I found a link for an Html/CSS webinar by Singaporean based meetup group. So, 24 years on, today I decided to attend a Zoom webinar on html and CSS.

It is quite interesting.


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