I am sorry.

[Oct 6th 12:24am.]

I am sorry you find me too loud.

I am sorry you find I drive you crazy.

I am sorry you find me too thick skinned for my own good.

I am sorry you find me demanding.

I am sorry you find me too crazy.

I am sorry
you find me a drama queen.

I am sorry I find myself so emotional.

I am sorry
I find myself too naive.

I am sorry
I appreciate you.

I am sorry you can't appreciate me for the way I am.


I am NOT sorry for being myself.

I hope you will one day meet someone who could appreciate you for what you are.

[Oct 6th:]

[Oct 13]:
Just needed to republish it.


Edmund Yeo said…
It's all right. I forgive you.
CheaYee said…



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Thank you brader!

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