
You know, I shouldn't be E-bay-ing so much. I caught the fever from Jiaren.

Now Avadhut is catching it.

He's asking me how to sell stuff on E-bay as well...*Ha ha ha*.

I can't wait to get the items I bought from E-bay....
Anyways, if the items don't fit me, I can still put it on re-sale.

*heh* :-P

Pity you guys in Malaysia require credit card instead (and get charged 2.5% administration fees!)

When I went to the Australia Post branch at uni, I enquired about postage charges. The uncle manning the counter asked for any particular reason I had asked, and I told him that I was merely enquiring. Then he mentioned if it was E-bay, and I merely smiled. To which the former said that E-bay-ing was a popular Australian past time.

Ha ha.

On another note, I have had some success (well, at least some!) in doing the big-ass assignment due soon. Just pray that I will continue to have clarity of mind for it! A mate of mine has given me some assistance in the understanding of the process, although he's not in education. *LOL*. Thanks people!


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