
I woke up with a start at 6am this morning. Surprise. Surprise. One of those rare mornings that I actually wake up in the wee hours of the morning without the need of the alarm clock ringing in my ears. The fact that it was still dark helped my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I tried to sleep in, but it was already light by 7 am that I decided to forgo sleeping and hopped out of bed and headed to wash myself up.

"Gee.... I wonder why am I awake so early at this hour in the morning. Ha ha ha ha". I muttered to myself as I brushed my teeth. Thinking I was the only one awake, but surprise, surprise, Claudia heard me from her room and started laughing!


The first thing that came to me when I woke up this morning was in regard to this entry, well guess what? I did say something about Lee Hom's quiet nature. But now that I think about it, it's not the quiet nature that I am too concerned about. I guess what I was trying to put across is that it does not matter if a person is of a quiet nature, but that he is:

Contemplative yet confident.

I was watching My Love Patzzi (starring Jang Na Ra and Kim Jae Won). I realised what I liked about the role/character that Kim Jae Won plays is that the character is a personification of all these traits. I really wonder when will God bring a man like this into my life, eh?

One more thing. My man HAS to treat me like a princess, and always open the door for me!


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