Elken: Fujita Lactose-S review

A few months back, I bought a three pack of Lactose- S from Elken. I
wanted to try out the effectiveness of their health products.

The Elken website claims:

'Fujita Lactose-S is a 100% natural health supplement to help in

maintaining clean and healthy intestines. It contains 1 billion

friendly bifidus bacteria as well as other types of good bacteria to

maintain an ideal acidic environment for retarding the proliferation

of bad bacteria.

The lactose content also helps increase the balance of good bacteria

in the intestines to a healthy level. Furthermore, its fermentation

will release carbonic acid gas to gently enlarge intestinal walls and

stimulate peristaltic movements, thus helping to expel stubborn waste

from the intestines.

Fujita Lactose-S is also symbiotic. In other words, it contains both

prebiotics and probiotics, thus helping to promote good intestinal

flora and better intestinal health. Besides, it contains dietary

fibre, oat extract and vitamin C and it is an effective slimming aid.'

Weeks pass but I've yet to actually open the darn thing. However,
having not done any detoxification in the last two months, I decided
to give it a go.

Day 1:
At about 15:00 hours on 2nd Dec, I mixed the contents of the sachet in
a glass of cold water and drank it. According to the instructions, I'm
not supposed to partake of any food 3 hours before or 4 hours after.

Within the first 3 hours, I felt the effects. Unfortunately, it was
kind of the wrong timing, as I could feel and hear liquids moving
inside of me, and I was going out to watch a live Performance on the
same evening.

Granted, I kept running back to the toilet every one hour as my
insides were having a jolly good turbulent time.

Day 2: (3rd December)

Today was a slightly less uncomfortable day than the day before. I did
not have to make way to the bathroom for any bowel movements, but I
did feel rumbling and wind in my insides which was a bit
uncomfortable, but less than the day before.

It was comfortable enough for me that I could make my way to S2
Slimming for a two hour treatment, without just a bit of air expulsion
every now and then.

To be continued. . .


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