Box Culture: Cosmobox July 2013 edition

So this is a belated post on this July edition of the Cosmo Box themed Liselle .

I received this after my trip to Hanoi, so I didn't really get to use any of the lovely stuff in it.Anyways, the pictures taken are crappy coz I was really lazy and decided to take the pictures using the Iphone 4 to blog. >_< 

So what goodies behold? Just scroll down further...

Sachet samples from Nuxe: 
Nuxe Brightening Cleansing Foam, Extreme Lotion, Cleansing Foam, Concentrated Serum, Huile Prodigieuse Multi Usage Dry Oil (all not pictured). There is also the deluxe sample tube of the Brightening BB Cream (15 ml). 

From Aveda:
There are sample tubes for Be Curly Shampoo (50ml), Conditioner, and Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair.

Last, there is a copy of the Worthy Book, with discount vouchers targeted for lady users, and a set of toe separators.

I find that I don't have much use for most of the vouchers, as they don't really appeal much to my interests. 
Hence, I have mostly given the vouchers away to my mates (surprisingly who are my male colleagues.. LOL). 

The only vouchers I look forward to using is the De Cleor RM100 discount voucher for face treatments

(I hope I can use it even though I already bought a facial package with them) since I already utilized the first time customer Rm98 first trial Aromaplasty facial voucher (which I got from the Lilac Box workshop recently).

The Box Culture: Cosmobox currently has three options of 3 months, 6 months, and nine months subscriptions. The first option of three months is retailing for RM99 for three boxes. 

For more information, check out their website



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