Reflection: The early bird catches the worm.
If there is something I have observed in the last two weeks...
I was at bouldering dinner sessions. There is this guy I'm keen to know, however he was seated at the other end of the table.
I was seated at the other end of the table with another group. However, suddenly someone took out the board games (just right before dinner.. don't ask me why he did that).
One of the females seated across from me decided to just grab her chair, and then carried it all the way to the other end where they were playing card games.
That's when I realized I could have done the same, but I didn't think about doing it.
In the end, I just decided to finish my dinner, then moved on to the table parallel to them. We ended up play Monopoly Bid instead.
It was a good game. But I learnt my lesson.