A Sunday Pre-Birthday Celebration.

So much for spas and all.  

Oh Well. 

Today was a day full of thoughts for me. From the tiff I had with my parents, to my experiences in Australia, and the perception I had of my birthday.

But nonetheles, its a process of forgive and forget, and hence the verse, "do not in your anger cause your self to sin". 

Basically it means to say do not in the midst of your anger, do or say anything that will cause yourself to regret later. Words fly and all..

I know, it's easy to say, but really not that easy being put into practice.

Anyway, here's what happened for my Sunday Pre-Birthday Celebration.

Morning.. headed to church.

Had rice with mutton curry for late "morning tea". (like who cares what I had for morning tea...!)

Then in the afternoon, about 13:00 hours,

Headed over to Sri Petaling to meet up with a mate, Madeline. We had "yee meen" lunch courtesy of Madeline.. and she gave me a nice prezzie (pictures later!). We ate at the Calorie chinese non-halal restaurant near 7-Eleven in Sri Petaling.

How's the food? So-so only..

 Maddie & Bob.

Maddie & Me..

My "Calorie" Prawn Yee-Meen specialty. about Rm14+.

We headed (again) to the Cadbury warehouse later.

Lots of people checking out the chocs..

My friend too.. Rm2 for that pack only.. Zip bars.

My Rm58 Cadbury stash - 3 packs Hot Choc, 3 bottles Hot Choc. ^^

I had earlier headed to the Cadbury Warehouse Sale before meeting Maddie.. bought myself Rm58 worth of chocs. Yum. Just wanted to see if I'd missed any other yummy stuff. ^^

To end the day, I headed over to Mid Valley for a meet up with Kath.Wong.. for some window shopping. Not that I bought much.. *LOL* Then headed home early. ^^

On other thoughts,

Last night I had a conversation with a friend AG. We may not always agree on the same things, but we did have a conversation on the time when I was abroad and did all those cooking posts.. I barely roam around much in the kitchens these days (with the maid at home and all).

Perhaps I may start doing that for the cell group. Indeed, perhaps that bunch of people will appreciate one's cooking and all.. which is not a bad idea. ^^


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