Battling my first Jericho

When I was out in the garden today, the idea of going into the primary school nearby came to me.

The idea is I am to dress formally (I am guessing smart casual will be fine), walk into the neighbourhood school bringing my marketing materials; then speak to the person in the front office to let them know I have started a family day care business nearby.

I would then ask if I could leave some of my marketing materials, posters, and name cards, etc for any parents who would be interested to to look for my family day care, as well as after school care services.

I'm just praying that God will prepare the way, and He will lead me to speak to the right person tomorrow. In my spirit, I knew it was actually the Holy Spirit's way of reminding me that now is the right time to make that connection.

Although the idea had always been there at the back of my mind, (some of the people at the neighbourhood council hall had given me that idea, but it was during school holidays) I didn't really think too much of it. I have just actually been terrified at that idea, and sort of ignoring the whole idea of going in, hoping that just placing advertisements and throwing mailers in the mail box would be adequate.

It is also the Holy Spirit's way of making me confront me fear of speaking, and trying to canvass my business. Sigh.... the things He makes us do for our own benefit. Think of Joshua as he tried to bring the Israelite army across the Jordan River into battle against Jericho. I feel like one of the soldiers now wondering about the outcome....

Tune in tomorrow again!


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