well, at least I don't plagiarise....;-)

Well, not for assignments to a university. Thank heavens!

According to this, and a Singapore's E-Newspaper, foreign OZ students are getting the high end of the bargain. The rationale is that, because they are paying full fees, they *deserve* to get the degree......

Well, I really beg to differ. My experience so far, with USQ has been fine.
The markers are strict on the giving out of marks for my assignments. Thankfully I am not that bad with the assignments SO FAR. And I would like it to remain that way anyway.
The only thing I do would be to share ideas with other students about the assignments, or if I have a hard time understanding the concept, I would talk to them and ask them for ideas about it. More so, if there is an assignment or exam involved.

KT, who was in Monash Uni, told me that he had to extend his studies for a couple of months, but he didn't fail. Well, the lecturer gave him an extension on his assignments coz he had trouble understanding his assignments..but he did it in the end..wellll...at least he didn't FAIL, which differs from a student getting who failed their exams and then demanding for a degree, and a student who almost failed, but through hard work, managed to pass.

The coverage of this would *most definitely* spark off a chain of events which may affect the long distance students in Malaysia.....*SIGH*.
Really, setitik nila merosakkan sebalang susu. I hope this doesn't affect us Malaysia students in a wrong way. what is the point of taking up a course, if you intend to cheat? Not to mention, if you still cheat at MBA level...which is like MASTERS??? Hello?

Of course, people in the business world, may beg to differ. As long as anything brings in profit, they really couldn't give a horse ass shit's care about it.
Just go down to Petaling Street or look at those hair shampoo ads since the day Follow Me started with their long silky hair shampoo,everyone has followed suit even to this day....They just blatantly outrightly steal ideas in front of each others noses.

To digress here, ...I should think that PPS would know better that with the coverage given to them, their bandwith utilization would go skyrocket!
Ok, I know nuts about bandwith utilization, but if that is the case, I would say others should do what Aizuddin has instructed, in the interest of saving cost for the organisation.

Reducing PPS bandwidth utilization
PPS popularity has shot through the roof these past 2 months (thanks to all those who make PPS their daily visit!). However, this success is creating its own set of problems for us: bandwidth utilization is very, very heavy. In access of 20GB as of last month. Sheesh. And its all just text!!!
One way to reduce this problem: don't copy and paste the source code for the PPS buttons/banners onto your blog. If you do this, then everytime someone visits your blog, you're actually leeching PPS bandwidth to display the image. More than 5GB of bandwidth was used in this manner last month.
To rectify this problem, please download the PPS button and save the image file onto your blog or onto some server space you have access to. This way, you will reduce the load on PPS.
Your kind understanding is most appreciated in this matter.

Posted by Aizuddin Danian at July 1, 2005 11:36 AM

Finally, I heard on the radio this morning that there would be no price hike for petrol!

Alright!Ok....Ok.....well, lets' hope it stays this way.

As it was for a fellow blogger somewhere on the Net (I think Brand Malaysia or something), that noted petrol prices changed daily in OZ, let's just say that thank the Lord above this does not happen in Malaysia.
He was working in Melbourne many years ago in a petrol kiosk, and would get a phone call at almost midnight each day to change the price display of the petrol prices in OZ, and worst, during winter time (though there is no snow there).


As I understand it, it's pretty difficult to actually fail university in the US/UK/Australia, unless you are spending it all pissed out of your head, or not doing any work at all.

It may take longer, but most people pass eventually.
Anonymous said…
my P.O.V, having fluctuating price is better than hiking price......... q\\-_-//p
CheaYee said…
Infinite Bowel: Ha ha...Not getting pissed any time soon....

Anonymous: who are you?

Hmmm..never experienced fluctuating prices, so can't really say much for that! But my friends who came back from OZ can tell me their experiences though.

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