Avatar: It is a Sanskrit word.
I was having a discussion with this church elder, Edwin, whom I accidentally met whilst waiting for a cell group friend today.
It seems that the popular pop-culture word, "Avatar" has its origins as a Sanskrit word that means "the incarnation of a god on earth".
When he explained the meaning of the word to me, (as based on the current 3D animation movie currently showing on cinemas) it was only then I remembered that that is the term that we use to call the "photo" on online chat programs.
What is your take on this?
It seems that the popular pop-culture word, "Avatar" has its origins as a Sanskrit word that means "the incarnation of a god on earth".
When he explained the meaning of the word to me, (as based on the current 3D animation movie currently showing on cinemas) it was only then I remembered that that is the term that we use to call the "photo" on online chat programs.
What is your take on this?