JoikuSpot: use your mobile as a wifi hotspot

So, recently I had been trying to connect to the internet on my pc using my mobile phone, whilst on a Optus network/connection.

I tried the cable using the Nokia connect PC to Web program that was provided.

But to no avail. After a couple of times, I almost gave up.

So I checked out some forums, and someone mentioned the use of JoikuSpot which is available for download for Symbian OS for the Nokia phone in Ovi online stores.

There are two versions of the JoikuSpot programs, which the free version does not have secured password access, and the premium one which does.

It takes a bit of time to connect, but hei, if that saves me the trouble of paying again just to get a modem usb dongle, might as well!!

Sent from my Nokia phone.


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